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Friday, August 19, 2011

How He intertwines things...

How God intertwines things is nothing short of amazing.  How He takes such seemingly unrelated things and puts a connection between them to start pulling them together is indescribable.  I would LOVE to be able to have His eyes and see, even if for just a brief moment, how all the different connections He's made are coming together and relate.  I think I would be completely speechless at the beauty of His majesty in it, not even caring to understand it, but just to see the beautifully woven, and intricate knitting together of loose pieces of His plan that fit together just so to form a covering of love over the earth.  Hmm, I can imagine I sound about nuts now, so let me explain...

This week, I had my stepmom call me to see how I knew someone on my facebook page.  I felt immediately defensive because I didn't know them at all, I had become friends with them about a year ago, and had spoken with them briefly a few times in that time period, but didn't personally know them and was wondering why she was provoked to ask me that.  She told me to pull up their profile and look at the picture, so I did.  She then exclaimed that's ________!!!  I had to laugh.  A pastor in Pakistan that I had become facebook friends with, had my stepmom's close friend in his profile pic. She just couldn't believe that her friend who told her some Evangelist in Pakistan had taken him in and was having him speak to people there, would also coincidentally be the person who "liked" my blog post that day.  I really was just kind of awed by it, but God is awesome so not really too impressed, lol.

Fast forward to last Friday, a woman at my bible study was sharing how a man she didn't even know, but had been praying for over a year and a half, came to the church the Sunday before and she got to see the fruit of what she had been praying into that whole time.  She felt really blessed to have been witness to that.  Another cool thing, but again, God is awesome so...

Then earlier this week, a woman that I esteem very much, e-mailed me and asked me if I had ever heard of the book "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23".  I laughed and e-mailed her back and said yes, that I was reading the book and it was surprisingly good.  I found that to be so funny because when this woman I didn't even know gave me the book and told me she just felt like I should I have it, and to do whatever I wanted with it...  I just politely took it without any real desire to read it.  Apparently I am a respecter of persons, unlike God, b/c once this 2nd woman whom I admire brought it up to me, I made the choice to get it read sooner rather than later.  That's a whole different post to elaborate on that, so I'll defer back to my main point.

Now to today, I was talking with my stepmom, and she told me her bestfriend was reading "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23".  I, of course, laughed!  Then told her the book was much better than I thought it would be and told her about a specific section in it, to which she laughed and said that was the exact same section her BF was telling her about.  What are the chances that we would both be reading the same book that was copyrighted over 40 yrs ago and talking about the same part in it???  I love it, I absolutely love it.

All of these things are so scattered and meaningless for the most part, yet God, who always is in control, is making the connections.  He is pulling what looks to be parts of totally different puzzles together to make a grander and more magnificent picture that we could have thought possible, and it's all under the radar with no fanfare at all.  I picture the world in my mind's eye covered with thin red lines, criss-crossing all over the surface of the world, connecting even the most hostile regions to each other, where nothing can stop what's been started, and I just can't even explain how wonderful, loving, merciful, and just our God is.

I so wish this blog wasn't jibberish to the lot of you reading it, my heart's desire is to have these conversations personally with each of you, as opposed to just releasing my thoughts into the cyberspace, but I really like to talk and get things out so this will just have to do, lol.

I pray that you all are blessed with a weekend full of things that bring remembrance to how you've been blessed, even when you haven't seen in as such.  God's hand is always in our circumstances, and I so appreciate the people in my life who've helped me to see that for what it is. 

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